Monday, October 6, 2014

A New Kind of Monday

Monday is Monday is Monday. I think I could stay in my pajama's eating cinnamon rolls all day but am 100% sure that if I did that then absolutely NOTHING would get done:)

Cass is in school today and after such an crazy busy weekend we totally forgot that she starts basketball at the middle school today. How in the hell could I forget about that??? School sports are no less important than the travel sports. I even placed the date on the board and still forgot about the practices starting today. Oh well, I fixed the problem relatively quickly by texting bug from the computer, [which I will explain the reason for that in a minute], and letting her know that I will be at the school by 1 pm with her gym bag that has all of her basketball gear including her favorite shorts and socks. I also let her know that I will be calling her at lunch to chat with her and to remind her that she needs teachers signatures on the daily planner so I can help her organize her class work so she doesn't lose anymore [assignments]. That was a pretty long text which will probably get her into trouble because her phone will be going off during class and I will have to email the teacher to let her know why I had to text her and ask that they overlook it just this once because it was my fault and not Cassie's. We were also late getting up this morning. My husband forgot to set the alarm or to turn it on. Whichever doesn't really matter because he overslept and I overslept and in turn Cass did as well. Seeing how we managed to get about 10 hours sleep total all weekend we were all exhausted! The reason we had so little sleep is because bug had ball games all weekend. Of course we love it! Wouldn't trade it, I don't think..... But that's why we all overslept and the reason I had to take Cassie to school in my pajama's. Not that I mind taking her to school in my pj's, I am from Tennessee so the longer I can stay in my jammies the better:) 
Now for the reason I had to text Cassie from my computer; recently with the craziness of our schedule we decided that we needed to purchase a 2nd car. I was fine with just the one car until we moved onto post at Fort Carson and all of a sudden Cassie went from walking 20 yards to the bus to walking a half mile! I almost died when I was told by Carson Middle transportation that they would not add another bus stop that was closer and that it was not in the budget even to add a small area at the stop to get out of the elements of the weather. How could they possibly deny my child that? How dare they say that MY child had to continue to walk a half mile to the bus stop in the Colorado winter weather, right? I know my kid is no more special than any other kid, I have always been the kind of mom who see's my child as equal to other children. I am absolutely 100% NOT just complaining about that situation because of my kiddo, I feel sorry for every child out here that has to walk the half mile and sit out in the rain, wind and snow! That's horrid especially in Colorado where the weather changes every 5 minutes. I think that I should write a letter to the editor concerning this situation! I just might actually! That still doesn't tell you why I had to text Cassie from the computer. Since we were buying a car this weekend, I completely forgot to pay the phone bill. How ridiculous right? On top of that I had no home phone this a.m. either. I was told something was going on with the service on post, but really, who knows? So in the busy life I have, I am only human and bound to make mistakes at some point. I can't be perfect always.... I am not perfect at any part of the time!

The schedule for me today consists of laundry, dishes, vacuuming, a couple hours of marketing and calling prospects, taking Cassie bug's stuff to school so she can practice basketball after school for the school team, and then a 2 pm appointment for me down town, picking up Cassie from basketball practice at school, going by the car lot at some point to finalize some paper work on the insurance, then grab some dinner and head out to yet another basketball practice for her travel team. I forgot about Miley! Miley is our 10 week old mini poodle that Cassie had to have because she would die if she didn't... Still potty training so I have to make time to walk her at least once an hour while I am at home.Funny how Cass always wants a puppy or kitten or fish even and promises her ife away while swearing she will take complete and total care of the animal and handle that responsibility BUT I am actually the one who will be doing all the work. Sometimes I wish she would just say, "mom, I want a puppy that I can call my own but your going to feed it, potty train it, walk it bathe it and I am going to play with it when I am not doing a million other things." 

 Seriously, just another day. No more busy and no less busy than every other day of my life!

Adrian is finally off to work and promises me that he is going to pay the phone bill on his lunch break! Hope he does. Not really for my sake because (and your about to die while reading this) I do not have a cell phone. I know I am probably the ONLY person in the world who doesn't have a cell phone. Children as young as 4 years old have phones, folks past the age of 90 have phones, insurgents, terrorist, and almost everyone else in the world has cell phones. But I do not. I am literally okay with that and have decided that my life is less chaotic without a cell phone. I had one up until about a month ago. Once I chose not to replace it I found new freedom. I can't be bothered while grocery shopping or while watching my daughter play ball. I have found no down side of me not having a phone yet... Notice I said yet....

Hope all you guy's have an amazing and productive day! If you have anything to say about my blog let me know. Feel free to email me anytime at I always want to know what you guys are thinking and what you have to say! 

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